28.11 / Rouen / Le 3 Pièces / Autistic Campaign
29.11 / Amiens / Accueil Froid – Nuke
30.11 / Lille / Chambre Froide
02.12 / Rotterdam / Poortgebouw
07.12 / Bruxelles / Walter / S M O G // as Ubino Gt (duo)
09.12 / Leipzig / Black Hammer
12.12 / Munich / Stock Eins (importexport) / Galerie Kullukcu-Gregorian
13.12 / Chalon-sur-Saône / Port Nord / La Méandre // as Ubino Gt (duo)
15.12 / Nantes / Blockhaus DY10 // as RAV2
19.12 / Rennes / TBC
Performance de turntablism mielleux pour disque en cire d’abeille réalisé par Julien Fargetton à l’atelier Leap à Chantenay, Nantes.
Jeudi 22 novembre / 20h / Espace Mira / Prod : Agence à point
R R R is
Rui Leal / Electric Bass
Pierre Pierre Pierre / Laptop, Supercollider
In RRR Double-bass and synthetic sounds plays a hide and seek game. It’s a sound processing technique that happens in the air and in the mixer. Basic but bi-directional!
+ + +
R R R – NoNoise#4 tape
Limited tape edition with download code
Recorded live at NoNoise Fest #4 / Sonoscopia / Porto / 04.08.2018
Only available at R R R gigs…
Rui Leal, lives and works in Porto, Portugal. As a musician he play double-bass and works also with electronics. He has been part of several projects and records from the Porto scene in collaboration Jonathan Uliel Saldanha, Gustavo Costa, the collective Soopa etc.
Pierre Pierre Pierre, lives and works between Niort, Nantes (Fr) and Porto (Portugal). As a musician he use old hi-fi material and hand-made synth or computer with the audio coding software SuperCollider. He’ve part of the associations Mire and Cable# in Nantes, dedicated to experimental cinema and music. He is part of the projects AV2 and WAV2.
Nouvelle direction pour la suite, inspiré des rencontres et ambiances de ma tournée d’été.
Enregistré rapidosss, de retour à la maison…
New ideas for next gigs inspired by meetings and surrounding of my last french summer tour. Recorded quickly once back home…
3 Dates
20.07 _ Porto _ PPP solo @ Café au Lait / Favela Disco
27.07 _ Porto _ MOTHERFACA (Computer & Voice duo with NuNo) _ Première @ Parva
04.08 _ Porto _ R R R (Computer & Doublebass duo with Rui Leal) _ No Noise Fest #4 / Sonoscopia
Tournée digitalo-noise-dance-gabber-caves-et-jardins
11.05 _ Toulouse _ THSF / Mix’art Myrys
01.06 _ Nantes _ Set/30′
02.06 _ Rennes _ Consternation / Bon Accueil (w/ 178°)
07.06 _ Besançon _ Atelier de l’étoile (w/ Olivier Baudu)
08.06 _ Chalon-sur-Saône _ Port Nord / La Méandre
09.06 _ Lyon _ Un examen de conscience est nécessaire (w/ Urge, Horst du Noch, NW … )
10.06 _ Paris _ La Station / Cabanes Périphériques (w/ LV2 …)
14.06 _ Tours _ Cocktail Pueblo (w/ Les Trucs)
15.06 _ Lille _ CCL / Chambre Froide (w/ Ube, La Peau Lisse, Poppers & Triclo)
16.06 _ Paris _ Point Lafayette / Doxa Esta (w/ Minute de S, Deeat Palace)
17.06 _ Amiens _ Accueil Froid
18.06 … 23.06 _ Toulouse _ Workshop Polare / Mix’art Myrys
29.06 _ Nantes _ Set/30′ _ Drone D (collective performance)
Waiting song for PPP solo 2.0
« Arcs électriques entre les neurones et les tympans » TGM
Laptop music, Coded sound synthesis, Harsh transients & Extreme tones
Invitation to make a hotel dinner room in the atelier Santo Isidro in Porto.
In collaboration with Mariana Sardon (pt), and with the help and participation of the Hotel Santo Isidro staff.
Hand-made circuitry, motors, candles, pop-corn, gelatin, clay turquey photo-resistors, speakers, wine switch, tapes, Blue Velvet loop and more…

CD4093, photoresistors, capacitors, marshmallow, zip blocks, candles, speakers, bagaço alcohol
Hier je suis devenu un artiste : première pièce achetée par Leonor Parda à l’occasion du 5eme anniversaire de la galerie Rua do Sol à Porto.
— Yesterday I became an artist : first work bought by Leonor Parda in the context of the 5th anniversary of the gallery Rua do Sol in Porto.