Wow, the brilliant Sofia Arriscado made an intense video clip for her favorite song from the tape Buraco… and she choose the R !
Rui Leal / Hurdy-Gurdy (aka Sanfona)
Pierre Pierre Pierre / Laptop, Supercollider
Early 2022, RRR met again for a short recording sessions. Rui exchanged the double-bass for a Hurdy-Gurdy.
Even if the ideas are still about combining acoustic timber and electronic tones, the pitches and the mood has changed in many ways.
A tape is to be released in 2023 on the label Fougère Musique .
First show of this new formula happened in October 2022 in Porto, Portugal at the venue Hotelier.
Here is a selection of some moments of this performance.
Live recording from the RRR performance at NoNoise#4, the smallest festival of the summer, organised by Sonoscopia in Porto on the 04.08.2018.
Self Release under the 50hz recs label name.
It’s a fake tape made of plaster, sold with a download code. Starting price was ~ 3€ and was then raised by 1€ on every selling…

HZ001 | Plaster tape + download code
Duration : 17:30